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Patent Practice Consultant and Expert Witness
Dr. Nancy Linck’s unique combination of education and experience over 30 years in patent practice has well prepared her to serve as a consultant and testimonial expert in patent cases, particularly those in the pharmaceutical area. She has served as the USPTO’s Solicitor, as an Administrative Patent Judge on the PTAB in the pharma and biotech area, and as an executive with Guilford Pharmaceuticals charged with overseeing all patent and FDA matters. Dr. Linck’s experience in the USPTO and in private practice, along with her scientific education and background, including her Ph.D. in chemistry and M.S. in biotechnology, makes her particularly well suited to advise clients on all pharmaceutical patent matters.
"Dr. Linck has more than twenty years of patent law experience including serving as the Solicitor of Patents and Trademarks, the highest-ranking attorney in the Patent Office. Further, Dr. Linck served as an Administrative Patent Judge responsible for reviewing the determinations of Patent Office examiners. While Dr. Linck has never been a Patent Office examiner, she actually reviewed the decisions of Patent Office examiners, making her well-qualified to opine on issues arising in the patent prosecution process. Additionally, Dr. Linck is well-regarded in the patent field, having testified before Congress, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Department of Justice regarding improvements to the U.S. patent system. She is an adjunct law professor, and a patent attorney, giving even more weight to her expertise in the field of patent law.…Given her experience, Dr. Linck is qualified to rely on her own independent review of the ‘727 patent and opine on (i) scientific matters; (ii) the materiality of technical information; and (iii) the interpretation of the ‘727 patent."
The Medicines Co. v. Mylan Inc., 2014 WL1758135, at *4, 9 (N.D. Ill. 2014) (Amy J. St. Eve, District Court Judge)
7342 Caminito Cruzada
La Jolla, CA 92037
858.255.8043 Office
202.640.0613 Cell